Path Lab Website FAQs:

The Pathology Laboratory Patient Accounts 337-436-3688

Frequently Asked Questions

Why did I receive a bill from The Pathology Laboratory? We understand that receiving a bill from a pathology lab you didn’t physically visit can be confusing, and we’re here to clarify this for you.

When your healthcare provider orders specific tests to help diagnose or monitor your condition, they send your samples (like blood or tissue) to a specialized pathology lab. This lab processes and analyzes the samples, providing critical information that aids your doctor’s diagnosis and treatment plan.

Common Situations Where You Might Receive a Pathology Bill:

  • Bloodwork: If you had blood drawn at your doctor’s office or another facility, the sample might have been sent to our lab for analysis.
  • Pap Smears: Your gynecologist might send your pap smear sample to a pathology lab for examination.
  • Biopsies: Any tissue samples taken during a procedure at a hospital or physician’s office are often sent to a specialized pathology lab for detailed analysis.

Even though you didn’t visit the pathology lab in person, their expert work behind the scenes is essential to the medical care you receive. As a result, these labs bill patients directly for their services, which may appear as a separate charge on your account.

Types of Charges You May See:

  • Professional Component (PC): This charge represents the supervision and interpretation of your test by a physician or healthcare professional.
  • Technical Component (TC): This charge covers the cost of equipment, supplies, and personnel involved in performing the procedure.

I paid for my doctor’s visit, so why is The Pathology Laboratory billing me too?
Although you may not have physically visited a Pathology Laboratory location, your physician may have sent your specimen out to The Pathology Laboratory for testing/analysis. The invoice you received from us is for lab testing fees only and is separate from any bill you may have received from your physician and/or paid at your physician’s office.

If you had a surgical procedure/biopsy done through a hospital, your specimen may have been sent to The Pathology as well, and our bill is for testing/analysis done. Again, this bill is separate from any other bill you received from other providers.

Other reasons you may have received a bill from The Pathology Laboratory:
• Insurance information was not received, or the wrong insurance information received on/with your test order.
• The insurance carrier processed the claim and denied payment.
• The insurance carrier processed the claim and applied the balance to your co-pay or deductible, or other out of pocket responsibility.
• The insurance carrier did not respond to the claim.

Note: Please refer to your Explanation of Benefits you received from your insurance
carrier for more specific information about why you received an invoice.

Why does my invoice get mailed to my home addressed to my spouse?
The policyholder is responsible for payment of co-insurance, co-payments and/or deductibles incurred for covered services provided to you as a covered dependent. If the invoice is addressed to your spouse, it is likely your spouse is the insurance policyholder.

Where does The Pathology Laboratory obtain diagnosis information related to my claim?
The Pathology Laboratory obtains diagnosis information from the ordering physician’s office. If your insurance carrier denied your claim due to the diagnosis code, please contact your physician’s office.

Why am I being charged a draw fee?
When patients come to The Pathology Laboratory for the drawing of a specimen, and the labs are sent to one of our reference labs, a draw fee is charged. Insurance may cover this fee for many of out patients. However, patients whose insurance does not cover the draw fee and uninsured patients are responsible for the payment of the draw fee.

I received a bill from a collection agency. Who do I pay?
Once your account is past due, and we have made several attempts to contact you for payment, the account is sent to a collection agency. This account then becomes the responsibility of the collection agency to collect; you can pay directly to the collection agency or to The Pathology Laboratory. The collection agency is Lake Area Collections and can be reached at 337-494-7475.


What method of payment is acceptable?
Credit/debit card, all major credit cards, HSA Card, money order, personal/business check, check by phone, or online bill pay through your bank. (There will be a $25.00 processing fee for all checks returned for insufficient funds.)

Why do I have a different invoice number each time I have services performed?
How does this affect making payments?
Our billing system generates transactional specific invoices. Each transaction generates a new invoice number. Your invoice should include your account number as the primary number, which should be included with/on your payment method. If there are two numbers separated by a dash, please include both numbers, as the second number is the invoice number associated with those specific charges.


Why do I have to give my insurance information each time I visit The Pathology Laboratory?
Individual insurance coverage plans typically change on an annual basis. It is important to provide your most current insurance policy information at each visit to ensure proper billing. In addition, it is best not to assume an individual’s coverage is currently active, as changes occur that may cause lapses in coverage or the cancellation/termination of such coverage.

Is The Pathology Laboratory able to tell me if I am covered for testing?
No, The Pathology Laboratory does not know each individual patient’s insurance coverage details. It is the patient’s responsibility to verify benefits before services are performed. Any questions regarding coverage should be directed to your insurance carrier.

What is an ABN?
An Advanced Beneficiary Notice (ABN) is a form, requiring the patient’s signature, to perform laboratory testing in the event Medicare is not expected to cover certain tests. If the patient chooses to have these tests performed, his or her signature gives The Pathology Laboratory permission to move forward with testing. In addition, the patient is assuming responsibility of payment for non-covered charges.

It is important to note that your doctor orders testing on his or her patients for medicinal purposes, and because Medicare does not cover a particular item or service does not mean you should not receive it. Talk with your doctor for more information on test Medicare does not cover.

Billing Cycle:

Patient Summary: Initial Statement
This will indicate, “This is not a bill.” The reason we send patient summaries is to inform patients about what tests were performed, what insurance information is on file, and to allow the opportunity to contact us with any new/corrected/missing information.

Insurance Claim: Two Weeks
A claim is usually filed two weeks after date of service with the insurance company on file (if any). This two-week window is to allow time for patients to contact us with any new/corrected information before filing claim. Allow 30-60 days for insurance processing (provided no issues arise during that time).

Patient Invoice: Thirty to Ninety Days
After insurance completes the claims processing cycle and all applicable discounts/payments are posted to account, patients typically receive a bill within two weeks from all process completions. This statement will indicate, “This is a Bill.”
Payment is due upon receipt.

** If payment is not received within 60 days, the collections process initiates. Patients
generally receive a phone call and a pre-collect notice before system turns over
account to the collection agency.